May saloon is a substantively, thematically and academically based exhibition, which includes a number of artists. It runs continuously from year 1909 onwards, and is therefore an exhibition with the longest tradition in Slovenia. At the time when galleries strive to modern concepts, departing away from classical paintings and sculptures, the exhibition 'May Salon' truly is welcome as the echo and display of contemporary artistic creation and at the same a cross-section through the current Slovenian art production. The exhibition invited all members of the ZDSLU. For the next four-year period it is planned that the exhibition 'May Salon' will have a common theme "four basic elements: 2014 "Water", 2015, "Soil", 2016 "Fire", 2017 "Air.

Opening day: 15th May 2014
Closing day: 13th June 2014

Gospodarsko razstavišče d.o.o.
Dunajska cesta 18
1000 Ljubljana